Otis Rising.

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Otis Rising.

Post by raz0red » Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:23 pm

*** Spoiler Alert ***

If you haven't played Dead Rising yet, you might not want to read this. Although, I would say it doesn't hurt the story much if you haven't played it. This is stuff you will discover within the first 20 minutes.

Anyway, there is this dude, Otis, keeps calling you on a transceiver to give you updates, missions, etc.

Over at "Something Awful", they have posted a lengthy rant on Otis.

Warning: there is a bit of profanity in the article, but I found it pretty funny.

I finally found that dumb broad in the jewelry store. Otis called about five times while I was making my way there, so I got pretty beat up. I wish the goddamn zombies wouldn't knock the radio out of my hand every time he calls, because then he calls back just to bitch me out about hanging up. What can I say to him? "I wouldn't have had to hang up if you wouldn't have called just then!"

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Post by iamsjn » Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:33 pm

I $&*#(*$#@(@&*(#@!! HATE OTIS!!!!! Did you know that answering each of his calls is actually an achievement? I've actually learned to "tune out" that incessent ringing.

Another annoyance? Why can't you croutch??? I'm tired of getting capped by Carlito!!

"Death & Dreck You Curse!!!"
- The Bard's Tale II: Destiny Knight

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