In one of our early episodes 1 or 2, I can't remember anymore, I mentioned a "SuperGun". Basically it is a way of hooking real arcade boards up to a standard television.
The only catch is that it typically only works with "JAMMA" boards. These are typically for games from 1985 forward. So, many of the classics aren't JAMMA, although JAMMA converters are available for fairly cheap.
Anywho, RetroBlast! recently published an article describing the SuperGun that is worth a read if you are wondering what these devices are, what they look like, etc. ... -01_1.html
What is a SuperGun?
Another SuperGun
Here is a very cool SuperGun that comes with the Street Fighter II PCB. There is a video on the page as well that shows the thing playing on a projector, nice!
Nintendo Wii or Supergun.... hmmm.... Probably the Wii at this point.
Nintendo Wii or Supergun.... hmmm.... Probably the Wii at this point.