A Retro Gaming Double-Whammy!!

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A Retro Gaming Double-Whammy!!

Post by iamsjn » Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:40 am

Wow... Check this out!!
Was cleaning out the cobweb-filled recesses of my hard drive this morning and came across a little gem that I thought everyone here would get a kick out of. Some of you have probably heard of this neat little mod for Quake III. For Retro Respect purposes, I thought I'd take you down a Double-filled retro gaming lane with -

QUAKE III - The Adventure Mod!!

I get a real strange feeling wandering around a 3D version of the Adventure map. Chris, Tom & Woody - You all are software developers, what would it take to actually make a functional game of Adventure in 3D? If I were versed in the proper programming skills, You'd better believe that I'd be taking on a project like that!!

Have Fun All. Oh, I posted the link to that Adventure MOD for Quake III in the caption of the last photo.

"Death & Dreck You Curse!!!"
- The Bard's Tale II: Destiny Knight

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