Twitch Asylum Video Game Radio Episode #17

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Post by raz0red » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:13 pm

iamsjn wrote:YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm soooooooo excited to have you guys back! I can't begin to tell you how much I've missed my dose of Twitch! You guys keep my love of a dying pastime alive and well!


Great to hear from you again SJN!

We just finished our next podcast and I am currently in the process of editing it.

It should be live in a couple of days.


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Post by dantebk » Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:05 am

Imagine my shock and surprise to see not one but TWO new episodes of Twitch Asylum! Not even sure what made me check, as I assumed you guys were gone for good. But anyway, I'm glad I did.

Just finished listening to this episode. Good stuff!

My GF and I loved King of Kong, but when I got home and looked up the Twin Galaxies site and read this story: I was turned off on the movie. How could they leave out the fact that this dude was the ACTUAL high score holder and had been for three years? Instead they made it seem like Billy Mitchell still had the high score and was competing with Wiebe.

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